Knowing your net worth is critical for determining your financial situation. Knowing the difference between what you possess and what you owe might help you calculate your worth. You may be confident that you have a positive net worth if your assets surpass your obligations.

Additionally, it may influence your financial condition at any time. Therefore, learning how to calculate net worth is a fantastic approach to determining how well you have done financially for yourself. It can also help determine if you are on track with your financial goals.

What Is Your Net Worth?

Net worth is the value of an individual’s assets, less their obligations. Understanding a company’s net worth is vital since it represents its health and may help determine if you need to make changes to improve the business’s financial stability. A businesses worth is frequently employed when considering an individual or organization for investments or hedge funds.

To calculate your net worth, subtract the cost of everything you possess from the cost of everything you owe. Numerous calculators are available online to assist in calculate net worth.

net worth

What Does Net Worth Indicate?

Even if you know what net worth is, it might be challenging to understand what it implies and how to apply it. If you have a negative net worth, it indicates you owe more than you own. If the figure is positive, you possess more than you owe. As a result, the number should always be positive.

It’s typical for your net value to change as you accumulate more possessions or if you incur debt due to a significant purchase.

Your net worth may drop temporarily, which is fine if you trend upward. This means your net value is beginning to improve as you pay down debt and develop equity in your property. On the other hand, it may go down when you use savings or a portion of a retirement fund to pay an unexpected expense.

You must choose an optimum figure for yourself and stick to it as you mature and accumulate additional assets and tangible items.

You may use a formula to guarantee that you stay close to your target number. For example, many professionals utilize the following strategy to guarantee that they stay on track financially:

[Your Age -25] * [1/5 * Gross Annual Income] = Target Net Worth

As you can see, your value will fluctuate as you age and change occupations because your income will also change.

Your Personal Net Worth

Although you may already know your worth is your value after deducting obligations from assets, you may need clarification about what these phrases represent and how to calculate your net worth.

Liabilities are what you owe, such as all of your obligations. Examples are mortgages, credit card bills, vehicle loans, and school loans. It might also include things you still need to pay, such as taxes or bills.

Your assets are items you possess, such as cash in your checking and savings accounts and stocks or bonds. You might also include your automobile’s and home’s market worth as assets.

When estimating your net worth, always use the current market value of the items you own, such as your vehicle or home. You shouldn’t use the purchase price because it might be more or lower.

After understanding your net worth’s financial patterns, you can determine your financial situation. First, determine your net value to identify where you may improve in terms of money and investments to assist you in getting to where you want to go. Although it may be difficult, confronting reality will benefit you in the long term since it will help you get back on track.

Your Company’s Net Worth

If you are a business owner and want to know more about your business’s net worth, it works differently than your personal worth. In business it is referred to as book value or shareholder equity.

The equity value of a corporation is the difference between the entire value of its assets and total liabilities. The balance sheet figures should reflect book values rather than actual market values. Hence they may be erroneous.

Lenders may examine the businesses worth to gauge its financial health since they will want to avoid investing in a company whose worth is declining or negative.

If the business is consistently profitable, its net value will rise, enticing more individuals to become shareholders. The increased value will reflect the stock price if the company is publicly traded.

what is your net worth

How to Determine Net Worth

Calculating your net worth is simple, even when you have a large book of assets and liabilities. Of course, you will also add assets you are paying for, such as a car or house.

You will use the following formula:

Net worth = Assets – Liabilities

Only assets you own are included in the net worth calculation, not your income. This is because you might earn a significant income every week or month and yet have a low net value if you waste your money.

Even if you have a low salary, there are ways to save most of it and build your net value.

The simplest approach to calculate your net worth is to go online and look for a calculator. These make calculating your worth relatively simple because all you have to do is punch in the data. If you have some additional money to work with a financial advisor, they may also assist you in establishing your net value

What Constitutes An Asset Or A Liability?

Because the phrases assets and liabilities frequently appear in this article, you may wonder what they imply and how to calculate your assets and liabilities. Here are some rules to help you determine your assets vs. liabilities.

Cash and all the money in your checking and savings accounts are examples of assets. It also includes funds from your retirement accounts. You may also list everything you own, such as automobiles, stocks, and real estate. Finally, consider all of the items in your possession that you could sell for cash. These are classified as liquid assets. Fixed assets, such as your home, contribute to your net worth if you use it for home equity lines of credit or are willing to sell it.

Liabilities are any sums of money owed to another person or organization. This also covers any revolving debt you have, such as credit card balances, and loan balances, such as personal and vehicle loans tied to your bank account. Your mortgage also accounts for your responsibility.

Some individuals also question whether you should include your 401k in your calculations. Your retirement assets, including 401ks, may be utilized to calculate your net worth. Taxable savings accounts and IRAs are also included.

assets and liabilities

Net Worth Example

A net worth example may help you with calculations and show you how to enter the data to reach the proper answer. Consider the following examples:

  • The primary house is worth $300,000
  • You have a $150,000 market value investment portfolio.
  • You also have autos and other assets worth $30,000

You also have the following liabilities:

  • A $150,000 mortgage amount
  • A $15,000 automobile loan

You must then be able to establish your net worth by deducting your liabilities from your assets. The equation will be as follows:

[$300,000 + $150,000 + $30,000] – [$150,000 + $15,000] = $315,000

Because it is positive, this is considered a good. However, it will fluctuate yearly as your financial condition changes. Therefore, you should evaluate your worth whenever your liabilities or assets change significantly to receive an accurate picture of your financial health.

Hopefully, your liabilities will reduce each year as you pay down the debt. This means that it will rise even if you do not acquire any new assets. Conversely, your worth will decrease if you continue accumulating debt while not gaining assets.

increasing your net value


Net worth is one of the most effective ways to assess a company’s or an individual’s wealth. However, you may be deceived by looking only at the asset since you must be aware of the company’s debts. When someone takes on too much debt, their valuation may be very low or negative since they lack the assets to pay off a large debt. Calculating net worth can give you a better overall picture of your company’s success. When you know your net worth and that of your business, you provide the best opportunity to grow and prepare for the future. Are you a private lender looking to grow your business? Liquid Logics provides the best-in-class loan origination software to help your business grow. Contact us to schedule a demo.